
關於木虱/床蝨/臭蟲 About Bed Bugs

  • BUGSDIED百事達蟲害防治 – 常見問題解答
  • Bed Bugs Background
    - Their life cycle, under ideal conditions, takes four to five weeks (egg to egg).
    - They attach their eggs to surfaces, usually in crevices where the bugs hide in
    loose groups or clusters (this grouping behavior is similar to that of German roaches).
    - The immature bed bugs need a blood meal to molt and grow into their next developmental stage (there are 5 stages).
    - Adult bed bugs can survive for 6-7 months without a blood meal. 
    In some cases they survive without humans by feeding on birds and rodents.
    - A female may lay 200 to 500 eggs in her lifetime (approx. one year under ideal conditions),
    laying anywhere from 1 to 5 eggs at a time.





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