Digital Certificates
- Verisign 30 days Trial Certificate
The root CA is not trusted
Google Webmaster Tools
Google Maps
- Display resolution
1024×768+ major - Net Application Market Share data
Web Technology
- W3C HTML Homepage
- HTTP language detection
- Find Country by IP Address
- Ip-to-Country database (Free download, monthly update, used by
- Find country by IP online service
- How do I find the geographical location of a host, given its IP address?
- GeoIP: Map IP into country, or other geographical information (Product)
- Getting the user’s country from IP address (mentioned IP to country database from NICs)
- Python script use NIC’s ip database to map country to IP
- MSDN Library -> Internet Explorer
- CCS attributes used in IE 5.0, IE 5.5, IE 6.0
- Microsoft HTML Elements Reference
- P3P
Browser Issues
- Safari
- Cookies not work for IP address, must use a DNS domain name (At least in Safari 5 with osCommerce 2.2)
- General
- NetMechanic’s Free Newsletter
Tutorials tips on web building: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. - HTML Url encode values table for reference
- <a name="tag" link is no longer supported and need to use <a id="tag"
- NetMechanic’s Free Newsletter
- Frames
- Text control
- Adding drop shadow example:
STYLE="COLOR:#FFFF20; WIDTH=100%; FILTER:DropShadow(Color=#440000, OffX=2, OffY=2, Positive=True)"
- Adding drop shadow example:
- General
- CSS2 reference
explain each element, compare browser compatibility and with example!
- CSS Border control
- CSS Example sites
- (1 table)
- (0 table)
- (4 table)
- (1 table)
- (0 table)
- CSS2 reference
- General
- Chat Room
- list at (both commercial & non-commercial)
- Content Management
- list at (both commercial & non-commercial)
- Converters
Convert HTML to PDF, make use of html2ps, ghostscript & php 4.0.4+. MAY work with Chinese but not confirmed even by author.
- PayPal
- PayPal Technical Documentations
- HTML Variables for Website Payments Standard
- Introducing PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
- Introducing IPN History at Merchant’s interface
- Forum: IPN may retry upto 4 days and 16 retries?
- IPN Variable Reference
- Forum: IPN has bug that cannot supply the contact_phone variable (by default contact option is turned off for sandbox sites)
- PayPal IPN Tester
- PayPal sample codes
- PayPal NVP API Overview
- PayPal API References
- Micah Carrick: PHP Paypal IPN Integration Class
- Some fake test Credit Card Numbers for PayPal sandbox
- VISA: 4111111111111111
- Master: 5555555555554444
- AE: 378282246310005
- Discover: 6011111111111117
- Handling Paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
- PayPal Technical Documentations
- JavaScript / DHTML
- General
- Dynamic Drive
- The Dynamic Duo – DynAPI 1
- DynAPI 2
- ActiveUI
cross-browser DHTML grid, tree, tabs, menu – javascript-xml widgets framework (beta) - JavaScript and Frames, Part I
(How to use JavaScript to control / navigate between frames) - Call javascript function in another frame
- Disable a field in IE using Javascript:
fieldname.disabled = true - Article: Using Web widgets wisely, Part 2
- Screen Control
- Simple script to maximize window to visible screen (Cross browser)
- Auto focus the opened window:
Add to to head section: top.window.focus();
- Form Control
- Tooltip
- overLIB
- Popup information box v2.22
Instant popup when mouseover, has sticky function. Does not work if page need to scroll, the tooltip will display outside the screen. - Bottom slide tooltip
- Scrolling Tooltip Script
- News Scroller
- Cross Browser marquee II
Vertical news scroller - News Scroller V2.0
Horizontal Scroller, with mouseover pause. Has problem if put inside a table - Len’s News Scroller
- Mike’s DHTML scroller
Vertical scroller with pause, no mouseover - Horizontal News Scroller
Classic horizontal scroller, adjust: pause, multi-lines. Use Absolute position, seems hard to use. - Horizontal text scroller
right to left scroll, config scroll speed + scroll delay. Absolute position can change to relative position
- Cross Browser marquee II
- Timer
- Calendar UI
- DHTML Dynamic Calendar UI (Use a Calendar interface to select a date!)
- Tree Menu
- PHP/DHTML Combo Tree Menu (a PEAR class)
- Submit button control
- How can I disable a form submit button?
- a form’s submit() method generates “Object doesn’t support this method or property" error
Don’t name the submit button as “submit"
- Select / Combo box
- DHTML Combobox that can enter value and show suggested values (IE only)
- DHTML Select combobox that can contain HTML! (include image) (IE only)
- cr:Combobox DHTML Combobox behavior (IE6.0 only, and seems easy to hang)
- Cookie
- General
- DHTML Styles examples
- Flash
- Shine Draw’s Flash vs Silverlight Gallery
- Flash Video Players
- Flash Kit (Lots of flash to download by
- Flash popup image preview example from a Lavalys’s product page
- IE Active X 更新 FLASH 控制項執行的解決方法
How to make Flash interactive elements no need to click before run in IE - Fix “Click to activate and use this control" problem in IE
- Streaming MP3
- Streaming Video
- Apache FLV streaming done right! (no php)
use tuned version of mod_flvx or the original mod_flv by Paul Querna - H264 Streaming Module Introduction (version 2) (for mp4 video, module for both Apache, IIS and more)
-’s Apache H264 module for mp4 video
- Apache FLV streaming done right! (no php)
- ASP (Active Server Page)
Website Design
- Web Design patterns by Martijn van Welie
- Jakob Nielsen’s site (Usability and Web Design)
Very good articles by Dr. Jakob Nielsen on how to design a highly usable website.
- Jakob Nielsen’s site (Usability and Web Design)
Flash Authoring
- Macromedia Design & Developer Center
- TechNote 12701: Flash OBJECT and EMBED Tag Attributes
- Macromedia Flash showcase
- Flash MX Loadvars example
- Flash Unicode Generator (Commercial)
- Components
- Flash Text Formatter
Flash UI to do syntax highlight to a text file - Lightweight Scrollbar Component
A 4kB simple scrollbar component - Tutorials
- CBT Cafe Flash Tutorials
Movie Production
- Windows Media Player format
- Microsoft Web Samples on Windows Media
- A Streaming Media JukeBox – Part III: Browser-Independent
(Use JavaScript to control Windows Media Player control) - Windows Media Player Reference (6.4)
- All About Windows Media Metafiles
- Streaming Windows Media from a Web Server
- Captioning Windows Media
- Some examples of Embeded WMV’s parameters
- Adding Windows Media to Web Pages (6.4, 7)
- Embedding the Player Control in a Web Page (9)
- Windows Media CookBook! (lots of links only)
- Object Model Migration Guide (migrate from 6.4 control to 7 control’s Object Model)
- Windows Media Player Object Model
- Control size: uimode = full, 320×64 pixels (320×240) / 240×64 pixels (160×120)
- Apple QuickTime format
Graphic Production
- Adobe Exchange (You may need to register)
- Adobe User to User Forums
- Graphic Sources
- Eddie’s Digital Imaging PDFs
- Other great graphic designers websites
- PSXtras Photoshop Xtras (Hatcher, F.)
- (Kelly, Rick)
- Spry New Media (Corri)
- Auto Stitch
Free software to merge photo to make Panorama without any user input! - Color Wheel Pro website – Color Meaning
- A few scanning tips
- Say No to 72 dpi
Also tell us the myths about 72dpi & 96dpi - Scanning Images in magazines/books/newspapers – Manual Descreen methods
- Say No to 72 dpi
- Steps for scan images for my Epson Perfection 660 Scanner
- Scan in Photoshop with WIA driver
- Scan in 600dpi
- (Auto Works)
- Image -> Adjustments -> Levels: Middle input level: 1.4
- Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation: (Load my preset file for this scanner)
- Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur: Radius 2.0
- Image -> Image Size: resize to 150dpi
- Filter -> Sharpen -> Unsharp Mask: Amount: 25%, Radius: 3.0
- Filter -> Sharpen -> Unsharp Mask: Amount: 100%, Radius: 0.5
- (Manual Works)
- Set the White input level
- Adjust the Black input level if needed
- Retouch the image if needed
- Crop the image if needed
- (After Works)
- For thumbnail images resized to 150px height:
- Filter -> Sharpen -> Unsharp Mask: Amount: 25%, Radius: 1.0
- Linotype Font Library
- Adobe Type Library
- Microsoft Typography
- Identifont – Identify a font by font name
- Themeworld – 4000 free fonts
- Coron’s Sources of Fonts
- Free Medieval Fonts
- List of Font Foundries in the world
- Code 39 Barcode FAQ and Tutorial
- Chinese fonts download
- fonts download (Simplified Chinese, very large)
- fonts download
No search engine, but have many fonts to download (~800) - – free fonts download
- simplythebest – free fonts download
- Typefaces: that work together
Suggestion of matching English typefaces - List all installed fonts with a Word Macro
- Google SiteMaps BETA
Allow you to submit your whole website’s URLs to Google, improve your website’s appear rate at Google - Search Engine Position Tool
- Web Link Validator
Validate broken links on a website - Submit Wolf 6.0
Quick submit your website to search engines in the world! - Sothink DHTMLMenu
Tool to generate DHTML menu, has Dreamweaver and Frontpage extensions!
Submit to other non-major search engines
- World (top most important)
- Google (already)
- AllTheWeb (done)
- AltaVista (already)
- searchHippo (Need e-mail confirm, done)
- ExactSeek(waiting)
- EntireWeb (done, need e-mail confirm)
- The Open Directory Project (done)
- Yahoo!
- Inktomi (HotBot, Kanoodle etc., pay service)
- Ask Jeeves (Teoma, pay service)
- LookSmart (Wisenut, pay service)
- Gigablast (temp disabled)
- Asia
- HK
- Yahoo! Hong Kong (Lang:TC)
- Hong Kong World Wide Web Database (Lang:TC)
- 添達香港搜索器 Timway Hong Kong Search Engine (Lang:TC)
- Related links
- Discuss on Top 10 Search Engines
Very good website. Discuss about Search Engine optimization tips, Search Engine market share and details. - Example on creating hidden links in homepage for search engine use
- Another example on creating hidden links in homepage for search engine use
(use hidden div tag) - Some tips to increase search engine ranking
- Keyword Suggestion Tool
- Web AdAgent programmes compare
Favicon for IE
Describe what is favicon and how to make it / use it - png2ico
Free commandline tool to convert PNG to icon file used for favicon - photo matt – How To Create A Favicon