- Unable to Import CA Root Cert
- Use root-ed method to import a CA root cert
- Citrix: How to Import a Private Root Certificate to an Android Device to be Used with Citrix Receiver for Android
- Wikipedia: Comparison of smartphones Compare hardware include GPU
Handset spenting
- 2010-02: Milestone +$3700
- 2010-12: HTC Desire HD +$2933, sell $2000 (milestone $170 per month)
- 2013-03: HTC $108 per month so far
- Samsung Galaxy Note (Note 1)
- new price: $5998 (2011-11)
- new water price: $2500-3000 (2013-03-16)
- new price: $4000 (2013-03-16)
- 2nd hand price: $2600 (2013-03-16), price drop 53% (lost $3000) in 1.5 years, ~$176 per month, assume 上台價$5500
Lenovo K1 Android Tablet
- Lenovo K1 集中討論區(更新簡短開箱文) (include discuss on fixing the auto reboot problem by update firmware to 2011-08-26 version)
- Oversea discuss for Lenovo K1 auto reboot problem
HTC Desire HD
- Engineering Test Mode: *#*#4636#*#*
- xda forum: DHD problems and solutions
- Desire HD 設定與應用114則 (適用新手)
- Mobile01: Desire HD 改善不定期自動重開機問題 + 改善收訊 (測試中)
- 自動重開機- 大家在領 HTC Desire HD 時最好仔細玩測一下
- DHD lag problem temp fix by turn on USB Debug Mode
- xda forum: Desire HD Camera guide
- mobile01: HTC Sense introduction
LG Optimus P500
Motorola Milestone
- Milestone all the official firmware versions
(Service Version = won't override user data) If RSDLite cannot see the phone, press * + # + power button will resolve
- Overclock Motorola Droid (Warning: may not work for Milestone)
- Overclock experience of milestone
- Milestone 十大必裝軟體
- PhoneHK Forum
- Forum
Include list of suggest apps - create “alarms" “ringtones" “notifications" on the root of SD, then phone will auto scan these locations for mp3 files
- root hack Milestone
- Install Busybox to Milestone
- Hard reset Milestone
1. Turns off the device, just take out the battery and puts them on again. 2. Pressing the camera button and hold it pressed while you turn on the device. Hold the camera button pressed for so long, until the display shows the Motorola logo appears. Then the power button let go and hold the camera key pressed continue until you see a triangle with exclamation point. 3. Now the camera and presses the volume up button at the same time to bring up a menu. (Might need a few attempts) 4. With the volume button you now select "Wipe all user data" and confirmed it with the OK button 5. Then you confirm the security prompt again with the OK button 6. The reset goes through and you must confirm the restart after
- List of applications can remove for Milestone
- Setup OpenVPN on milestone
- Howto: Install a Custom Recovery and Busybox on the Motorola Droid
- [教學] 為 Milestone 加回香港字體 (要 root 機) (for Android 2.0 English)
- Fix Milestone 2.1 Alarm incorrect problem
- GOT Android 2.2.1 firmware for Milestone
The UK one has Chinese support - Recommend vsel values for overclock
550Mhz, 56+ 800Mhz, 58+ 1000Mhz, 60+ 1100Mhz, 64+ Don't run 1200Mhz or above Recommend 800-1000, 56-60 vsel
- Milestone build.prop hack from French
ro.product.max_num_touch=2 (set maximum multi-touch points? Milestone maximum to 4)
- Rmaps offline map viewer
- Download rmaps
- hkepc: 為 RMap 製作一個 OffLine 香港地圖
- Some common rmaps maps
HK + Shenzhen, Macau + Zhuhai and others
- Auto Memory Manager
- Remote RDP for Android (Demo version works)
- PDAnet
Shareware: Allow Android phone become a USB modem share Internet - Barcode Scanner – a 1D/2D Barcode scanner
- ASTRO File Manager – Good File Manager
- ConnectBot – SSH & Local shell client
- TasKiller free – easy Task Manager that can kill all idle tasks
- Rings Extended – Enable use of mp3 ring tones
- GTASK (beta) – Allow sync with Google Task
- Mac Address Search
- MoreLocale2 – Add back Chinese TW locale
- Beta: Android WiFi Tether
- aNetShare (2009-03)
Share Internet with WiFi (turn phone into AP), seems removed from developer site