- Apache Cordova
- Ionic framework
- Deploying to a Device without an Apple Developer Account
- Review – How we built our app in 2 weeks using Ionic Framework [2014-11]
- Review – Switching from native iOS to Ionic: Why Hybrid doesn’t suck (anymore) [2015-01?]
- Review – My perspective of working with the Ionic Framework (Raymond Camden) [2014-07]
- Ionic 2
- The Official Ionic Blog
- Github: Ionic 2 code base (2.0 RC5: 2017-01-11)
- Github: Ionic Current Issues
- List of Ionic 2 icons
- List of Global Config Options for an App
- Ionic Creator onsite service
- ionic serve –lab option does not work well yet
- IDE: Atom + TypeScript plugin
- EACCESS error: maybe installed some plugin with sudo to root, chmod -R 777 the project folder
- The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached: Delete the older apps in the iOS device, maximum seems to be 3 apps only
- Live debug in iOS
- ionic build ios
- connect the iPhone, open in XCode, run the program and view All Output in XCode
- Ionic 2 Used Technologies
- npm tool (use to install cordova & ionic package files)
- Apache Cordova (The whole folder structure of Ionic 2 is based on Apache Cordova)
- Angular 2
- Angular 2 Pipe list
- Angular 2 Guide: Pipe
- Angular 2 (used) TypeScript
- Angular 2 (used)-> RxJS
- Wikipedia: Reactive Rrogramming (auto update values, Example: Spreadsheets)
(The whole coding of Ionic 2 is based on Angular 2)
- TypeScript or ES6
- Ionic 2 Speed Up
- 4 Ways to Make Your Ionic App Feel Native (2015-10, maybe for Ionic 1 only)
- Native Transition (ionic-native-transitions)
(Project in maintenance mode, recommend to use the Ionic 2 Native Page Transitions plugin) - Native Scrolling (for Ionic 1?)
- Caching (angular-cache, this is for Ionic 1 only)
- Crosswalk WebView (cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview, add 20M for application size):
Not recommended, use WKWebView for Ionic 2
- Native Transition (ionic-native-transitions)
- Native Page Transitions by Telerik
(Works in Ionic 2, included in the official plugin list) - Cordova WKWebView Engine
- Old method use local-webserver plugin to avoid local file access problem (Cordova 4.0.0), new version should not need this method.
- 4 Ways to Make Your Ionic App Feel Native (2015-10, maybe for Ionic 1 only)
- Google Map
- Google API Console
- Google Geocoding API Documentation
- Google Maps Geocoding Example with PHP (2014-06)
- Ionic 2: How to Use Google Maps & Geolocation
- Ionic 2 Google Maps Plugin
- Cordova Google Map plugin
- Implement Google Maps Using Ionic Framework [2014-10, Ionic 1]
Please note that the Google Maps JavaScript library cannot be downloaded, so there will always be a small delay during the initial setup when you launch your application.
- Ionic View
Need further learning
- Stack Views Layout (iOS 9)