Binary RPM repositories


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RedHat Enterprise Linux


Fedora Linux

ubuntu Linux

Sun Solaris


Individual RPM / Binaries


  • Creating patch for RPM
    diff -Naur olddir newdir > new-patch
    - or -
    diff -Naur oldfile newfile >new-patch
  • rpmbuild with distribution prefix (unconfirm)
    • rpmbuild -ba item.spec –define “dist .fc5″
    • This only works if “Release:" field has %{?dist} at the end
    • To automate for the whole system, can add to /etc/rpm/macros: %dist .fc5, then no need to use –define at each build
  • rpmbuild specify platform
    • rpmbuild -ba item.spec –target i686
  • sky2 driver status
    • FC5 kernel 2.6.20: v1.10
    • Fedora 7 kernel 2.6.21: v1.14
    • Vanilla kernel v1.14
  • Realtek 8111B Gigabit (r8169) driver status
    • FC5 kernel 2.6.20: 2.2LK, supported (1. driver is modified, not same as 2.6.18, 2. tested at Gigabyte G33 motherboard GA-G33-DS3R)
    • OpenVZ kernel 2.6.18: 2.2K, not support
  • Building Kernel
    • Build time
      • OpenVZ kernel 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5.028stab035.1, 46min,
    • Support status for ICH9 in Intel P35/G33 chipset
      • In FC7’s 2.6.21, AHCI 2.1, has ICH9 support
      • In FC5’s 2.6.20, AHCI 2.0, has ICH9 support
      • OpenVZ kernel 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5.028stab035.1, AHCI 2.0, but only has ICH8’s device id. But tested can use with ICH9R. (on Gigabyte GA-G33-DS3R)
      • OpenVZ devel kernel 2.6.20-ovz007.1, AHCI 2.0, has ICH9 support
      • board_ahci_pi values that added after 2.6.18 If has the board_ahci_pi problem, only not able to see the drive.
    • In Fedora 7
      • Building a Kernel from the src RPM
      • Tips on building kernelFor Fedora 7 kernel, Add: “%define _enable_debug_packages 0″ under “%if %{with_baseonly}" section
      • Build kernel & kernel-devel only, use:rpmbuild -ba –with baseonly –without debuginfo –target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec
      • Build smp kernel & kernel-devel only, use:rpmbuild -ba –with smponly –without debuginfo –target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec
      • Build time with default (rpmbuild -ba –target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec): 5.5h, also it could fail~5-5.5h on Athlon64 X2 3800+, 2CPU, 256M RAM, avg 60% CPU in VMware 6
      • Debug RPMs used 188.1M + 29.7M, core kernel RPMs just 16.6M + 5M, on Fedora 7 2.6.21-1.3228 base kernel~1.25h built on Athlon64 X2 3800+, 2CPU, 256M RAM, avg 60% CPU in VMware 6~1h without debug info (_enable_debug_packages 0)
      • Solution to: line 47: “segmentation fault"disable signmodules in SPEC file (%define with_modsign 0)